Running your own business requires you to wear many hats; some you will love, some you’ll like and there will be a few you’ll absolutely loathe and detest. The one that most people shy away from marketing. Yet without marketing, then at best it will be a business that just ticks along; at worst it could mean a business fails.
When we work together we will talk about the marketing you are currently doing and what the aims for your business are. Then I will help you make sure that they match.
That could involve:
- moving your marketing to a different platform; or
- managing expectations about projected growth; or
- if you’re about to launch a new business, putting a 12 month plan together.
After working together you’ll have a clearer idea on what you need to focus your marketing on and how to move your business forwards. Then if you need further help you can book further sessions with me.

Mini Session
30-minute call
This is perfect for businesses who need help with one specific element of their marketing. You will provide details in advance so we can get straight to the nitty-gritty and plan steps that need to be taken.
Midi Session
90-minute session
If you have several marketing strands and not sure which to action first this is the best option for you. It helps us to clarify aims and needs and create a clear path of progress.
Maxi Session
3 x 90-minute sessions
If you are just starting out or need a complete overhaul of your marketing the maxi session package is best for you. It allows us to explore options in greater detail and to put together a plan for the next 12-18 months for your business.