Why Christmas Advertising Matters: Uncover the Benefits!

Why Christmas Advertising Matters: Uncover the Benefits!

Why Christmas Advertising Matters: Uncover the Benefits! Most stores start their Christmas marketing somewhere just after Michaelmas Day (WAYYYYY before it should be legal to do so) yet we seem to accept this as part and parcel of life. We get pulled into the hype and...
Marketing on a Shoestring Budget!

Marketing on a Shoestring Budget!

Mastering Marketing on a Shoestring Budget! Ever wondered how small businesses, without the financial might of corporate giants, manage to create marketing magic? The secret is simple: you don’t need deep pockets to craft a winning marketing plan. A...
Advertising myths busted – Part 1

Advertising myths busted – Part 1

When I talk to businesses about print advertising there are several answers I regularly hear, but most of them are myths. And the problem with myths is they lead people astray. So, over the next two issues I will be taking a look at them and explaining why they should...
3 mantras for your business

3 mantras for your business

I have a confession, 4 in fact: I don’t have a business degree. I don’t have a marketing degree. Before I started publishing magazines I had never worked in an advertising agency. All of my (still ongoing) learning about advertising and marketing has been on the job....